Converting Between Physical Standby and Snapshot Standby Database (Oracle 12c)
Start Redo Apply SQL> ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE DISCONNECT; OR SQL> ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE USING ARCHIVED LOGFILE DISCONNECT; ** Remember that in Oracle 12c, Real-time Redo Apply is enabled by Default. So, the first command will enable the real-time apply (This behavior is different than 11g version). This means, if you have specified "DELAY" option in your Redo Transport parameter (log_archive_dest_n) on the primary database and you enable the redo apply using the first command on Standby Database in 12c version, then the database will ignore the DELAY option and apply the redo in real-time. (You will see a message similar to below in the alert.log file informing you that the DELAY option is ignored). WARNING: Managed Standby Recovery started with REAL TIME APPLY DELAY 30 minutes specified at primary ignored ** If you want to use DELAY option in Oracle 12c, you must enable redo apply using the 2nd commnd. Stop Redo App...