DBA Responsibility in Performance & Tuning
From USER satisfaction point of view, the major DBA responsibilties are Data Protection - (user accounts/passwords, quota, roles, privileges etc) Data Accountability - (audit, redologs/archives, backups) Data High Available - (DR solutions thru Cluster & Replication solutions) Data High Security - (table level, column level, row level, remote, network security) "Ensure to fast THROUPUT and/or RESPONSE TIME" --- which is important from PERFORMANCE TUNING point of view. Performance Tuning goal Performance Tuning goal is to see the best THROUPUT and RESPONSE TIME. Performance Tuning is a 'Iterative and Continuous process'. Yesterday fix/finding is not all the times standard for tomorrow issue. Because... Everyday is unique to the database. Its frequent data changes, increase and decrease in volume size, statistics changes, new deployments etc. It involves, I/O fluctuations relating to Disk, IP and network etc. DBA usually experience and fix the performance...