ORA-16674: standby database type has changed

 If a database created as Physical Standby is converted to a Logical Standby database while the Broker configuration is enabled, you may receive an error as follows.

ORA-16674: standby database type has changed

To fix this error, remove the relevant database from Broker, then add it again.

The process is as follows.


Find out the Data Guard Broker Configuration


Convert Physical Standby database to Logical Standby

Convert Physical Standby database named “Logical2” to Logical Standby with SQL commands. You may want to read the article “Convert Physical Standby Database to Logical Standby Database” for this process.

Check if its converted correctly:


Check Data Guard Broker Configuration


Try to Enable Logical2 Database


REMOVE Logical2 database from configuration

Routing is removed from prmyFS Far Sync, which sends Redos to logical2.
Try to remove again.
After switchover, database is removed from physclFS Far Sync.
Try to remove again.
Check if its removed.


Add the database to the configuration


Configure RedoRoutes parameters


ENABLE database in configuration


Check if everything is correct



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