The Mother of all ASM scripts

I gave that post the low-key title of The ASM script of all ASM scripts. Now that script has been improved I have to go a bit further with the hyperbole and we have the The Mother of all ASM scripts.  If it ever gets improved then the next post will just be called ‘Who’s the Daddy’.

I have been using the current script across all our systems for the last 3 years and I find it very useful, a colleague, Allan Webster, has added a couple of improvements and it is now better than before.

The improvements show current disk I/O statistics and a breakdown of the types of files in each disk group and the total sizes of that filetype. The I/O statistics are useful when you have a lot of databases, many of which are test and development and so you do not look at them as that often. It just gives a quick overview that allows you to get a feel if anything is wrong and to see what the system is actually doing. There are also a few comments at the beginning defining the various ASM views available.

  REM ASM views:
REM VIEW            |ASM INSTANCE                                     |DB INSTANCE
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM V$ASM_DISKGROUP |Describes a disk group (number, name, size       |Contains one row for every open ASM
REM                 |related info, state, and redundancy type)        |disk in the DB instance.
REM V$ASM_CLIENT    |Identifies databases using disk groups           |Contains no rows.
REM                 |managed by the ASM instance.                     |
REM V$ASM_DISK      |Contains one row for every disk discovered       |Contains rows only for disks in the
REM                 |by the ASM instance, including disks that        |disk groups in use by that DB instance.
REM                 |are not part of any disk group.                  |
REM V$ASM_FILE      |Contains one row for every ASM file in every     |Contains rows only for files that are
REM                 |disk group mounted by the ASM instance.          |currently open in the DB instance.
REM V$ASM_TEMPLATE  |Contains one row for every template present in   |Contains no rows.
REM                 |every disk group mounted by the ASM instance.    |
REM V$ASM_ALIAS     |Contains one row for every alias present in      |Contains no rows.
REM                 |every disk group mounted by the ASM instance.    |
REM v$ASM_OPERATION |Contains one row for every active ASM long       |Contains no rows.
REM                 |running operation executing in the ASM instance. |
set wrap off
set lines 155 pages 9999
col "Group Name" for a6    Head "Group|Name"
col "Disk Name"  for a10
col "State"      for a10
col "Type"       for a10   Head "Diskgroup|Redundancy"
col "Total GB"   for 9,990 Head "Total|GB"
col "Free GB"    for 9,990 Head "Free|GB"
col "Imbalance"  for 99.9  Head "Percent|Imbalance"
col "Variance"   for 99.9  Head "Percent|Disk Size|Variance"
col "MinFree"    for 99.9  Head "Minimum|Percent|Free"
col "MaxFree"    for 99.9  Head "Maximum|Percent|Free"
col "DiskCnt"    for 9999  Head "Disk|Count"
prompt ASM Disk Groups
prompt ===============
SELECT g.group_number  "Group"
,          "Group Name"
,      g.state         "State"
,      g.type          "Type"
,      g.total_mb/1024 "Total GB"
,      g.free_mb/1024  "Free GB"
,      100*(max((d.total_mb-d.free_mb)/d.total_mb)-min((d.total_mb-d.free_mb)/d.total_mb))/max((d.total_mb-d.free_mb)/d.total_mb) "Imbalance"
,      100*(max(d.total_mb)-min(d.total_mb))/max(d.total_mb) "Variance"
,      100*(min(d.free_mb/d.total_mb)) "MinFree"
,      100*(max(d.free_mb/d.total_mb)) "MaxFree"
,      count(*)        "DiskCnt"
FROM v$asm_disk d, v$asm_diskgroup g
WHERE d.group_number = g.group_number and
d.group_number <> 0 and
d.state = 'NORMAL' and
d.mount_status = 'CACHED'
GROUP BY g.group_number,, g.state, g.type, g.total_mb, g.free_mb
prompt ASM Disks In Use
prompt ================
col "Group"          for 999
col "Disk"           for 999
col "Header"         for a9
col "Mode"           for a8
col "State"          for a8
col "Created"        for a10          Head "Added To|Diskgroup"
--col "Redundancy"     for a10
--col "Failure Group"  for a10  Head "Failure|Group"
col "Path"           for a19
--col "ReadTime"       for 999999990    Head "Read Time|seconds"
--col "WriteTime"      for 999999990    Head "Write Time|seconds"
--col "BytesRead"      for 999990.00    Head "GigaBytes|Read"
--col "BytesWrite"     for 999990.00    Head "GigaBytes|Written"
col "SecsPerRead"    for 9.000        Head "Seconds|PerRead"
col "SecsPerWrite"   for 9.000        Head "Seconds|PerWrite"
select group_number  "Group"
,      disk_number   "Disk"
,      header_status "Header"
,      mode_status   "Mode"
,      state         "State"
,      create_date   "Created"
--,      redundancy    "Redundancy"
,      total_mb/1024 "Total GB"
,      free_mb/1024  "Free GB"
,      name          "Disk Name"
--,      failgroup     "Failure Group"
,      path          "Path"
--,      read_time     "ReadTime"
--,      write_time    "WriteTime"
--,      bytes_read/1073741824    "BytesRead"
--,      bytes_written/1073741824 "BytesWrite"
,      read_time/reads "SecsPerRead"
,      write_time/writes "SecsPerWrite"
from   v$asm_disk_stat
where header_status not in ('FORMER','CANDIDATE')
order by group_number
,        disk_number
Prompt File Types in Diskgroups
Prompt ========================
col "File Type"      for a16
col "Block Size"     for a5    Head "Block|Size"
col "Gb"             for 9990.00
col "Files"          for 99990
break on "Group Name" skip 1 nodup
select                                   "Group Name"
,      f.TYPE                                   "File Type"
,      f.BLOCK_SIZE/1024||'k'                   "Block Size"
,      f.STRIPED
,        count(*)                               "Files"
,      round(sum(f.BYTES)/(1024*1024*1024),2)   "Gb"
from   v$asm_file f,v$asm_diskgroup g
where  f.group_number=g.group_number
order by 1,2;
clear break
prompt Instances currently accessing these diskgroups
prompt ==============================================
col "Instance" form a8
select c.group_number  "Group"
,          "Group Name"
,      c.instance_name "Instance"
from   v$asm_client c
,      v$asm_diskgroup g
where  g.group_number=c.group_number
prompt Free ASM disks and their paths
prompt ==============================
col "Disk Size"    form a9
select header_status                   "Header"
, mode_status                     "Mode"
, path                            "Path"
, lpad(round(os_mb/1024),7)||'Gb' "Disk Size"
from   v$asm_disk
where header_status in ('FORMER','CANDIDATE')
order by path
prompt Current ASM disk operations
prompt ===========================
select *
from   v$asm_operation

This is how some of the changes look

Added To    Total   Free                                Seconds  Seconds
Group Disk Header    Mode     State    Diskgroup      GB     GB Disk Name  Path                PerRead PerWrite
----- ---- --------- -------- -------- ---------- ------ ------ ---------- ------------------- ------- --------
1    0 MEMBER    ONLINE   NORMAL   20-FEB-09      89     88 FRA_0000   /dev/oracle/disk388    .004     .002
1    1 MEMBER    ONLINE   NORMAL   31-MAY-10      89     88 FRA_0001   /dev/oracle/disk260    .002     .002
1    2 MEMBER    ONLINE   NORMAL   31-MAY-10      89     88 FRA_0002   /dev/oracle/disk260    .007     .002
2   15 MEMBER    ONLINE   NORMAL   04-MAR-10      89     29 DATA_0015  /dev/oracle/disk203    .012     .023
2   16 MEMBER    ONLINE   NORMAL   04-MAR-10      89     29 DATA_0016  /dev/oracle/disk203    .012     .021
2   17 MEMBER    ONLINE   NORMAL   04-MAR-10      89     29 DATA_0017  /dev/oracle/disk203    .007     .026
2   27 MEMBER    ONLINE   NORMAL   31-MAY-10      89     29 DATA_0027  /dev/oracle/disk260    .011     .023
2   28 MEMBER    ONLINE   NORMAL   31-MAY-10      89     29 DATA_0028  /dev/oracle/disk259    .009     .020
2   38 MEMBER    ONLINE   NORMAL   31-MAY-10      89     29 DATA_0038  /dev/oracle/disk190    .012     .025
2   39 MEMBER    ONLINE   NORMAL   31-MAY-10      89     29 DATA_0039  /dev/oracle/disk189    .014     .015
2   40 MEMBER    ONLINE   NORMAL   31-MAY-10      89     30 DATA_0040  /dev/oracle/disk260    .011     .024
2   41 MEMBER    ONLINE   NORMAL   31-MAY-10      89     30 DATA_0041  /dev/oracle/disk260    .009     .022
2   42 MEMBER    ONLINE   NORMAL   31-MAY-10      89     29 DATA_0042  /dev/oracle/disk260    .011     .018
2   43 MEMBER    ONLINE   NORMAL   31-MAY-10      89     29 DATA_0043  /dev/oracle/disk260    .003     .026
2   44 MEMBER    ONLINE   NORMAL   31-MAY-10      89     29 DATA_0044  /dev/oracle/disk260    .008     .019
2   45 MEMBER    ONLINE   NORMAL   31-MAY-10      89     30 DATA_0045  /dev/oracle/disk193    .008     .018
2   46 MEMBER    ONLINE   NORMAL   31-MAY-10      89     30 DATA_0046  /dev/oracle/disk192    .007     .024
2   47 MEMBER    ONLINE   NORMAL   31-MAY-10      89     30 DATA_0047  /dev/oracle/disk191    .005     .022
2   48 MEMBER    ONLINE   NORMAL   31-MAY-10      89     29 DATA_0048  /dev/oracle/disk190    .008     .021
2   49 MEMBER    ONLINE   NORMAL   31-MAY-10      89     29 DATA_0049  /dev/oracle/disk189    .008     .026
2   50 MEMBER    ONLINE   NORMAL   31-MAY-10      89     29 DATA_0050  /dev/oracle/disk261    .009     .030
56 rows selected.
File Types in Diskgroups
Group                   Block
Name   File Type        Size  STRIPE  Files       Gb
------ ---------------- ----- ------ ------ --------
DATA   CONTROLFILE      16k   FINE        1     0.01
DATAFILE         16k   COARSE    404  2532.58
ONLINELOG        1k    FINE        3     6.00
PARAMETERFILE    1k    COARSE      1     0.00
TEMPFILE         16k   COARSE     13   440.59
FRA    AUTOBACKUP       16k   COARSE      2     0.02
CONTROLFILE      16k   FINE        1     0.01
ONLINELOG        1k    FINE        3     6.00


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